
This week has been full of adventures.  Lots of hiking.  Coffeeshop reading (The Unstoppable Writing Teacher, The Reading Strategies Book, The Power of Grammar).  The long-awaited arrival of hot afternoons, perfect for a good book and the pool.  Dinners outside on the patio.  Farmer’s Market.  Time with friends.  Laughter.  All of the things I love about summertime.

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Starting today, I will embark on a series of adventures that will stretch into mid-July…the anticipation is immense!  Time in the mountains with family.  Then the Reading Institute at Teachers College…I cannot wait for all of the learning and collaborating that will fill the week!  From there, I’ll quickly stop on the West Coast for a friend’s wedding before heading to Ecuador for almost 2 weeks.

It’s hard to even know how to prepare for all of these upcoming journeys.  So I split my time between reading travel guides and tips and re-reading beloved books about reading workshop by Jennifer Serravallo, Lucy Calkins, and many others, anticipating all that is to come this next month!

On your mark, get set, go!


Slice of Life  Thanks to Stacey, Anna, Beth, Tara, Dana, and Betsy at Two Writing Teachers for creating a place for writers to share their work and hosting the Slice of Life each week!

4 thoughts on “Anticipation

  1. Isn’t it wonderful. On Thursday, I am on my way to the ALA conference in San Francisco. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am. Have a great vacation. I hope to get to a TCRWP Institute some day.

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