Summertime Flavors

Dinner tonight?  Steak and veggies on the grill, sweet potato fries, and salad.  Smelling the food on the grill, sitting outside and enjoying the weather, and listening to the sound of lawnmowers in the neighborhood gave me that summertime feeling.  I know it’s only March, but dinner on the grill always reminds me of summer!  If only I could top it off with homemade ice cream…


Thanks to Stacey, Anna, Beth, Tara, Dana, and Betsy at Two Writing Teachers for creating a place for writers to share their work and hosting the March Slice of Life Story Challenge!

7 thoughts on “Summertime Flavors

  1. Still snow on the ground here in Maine and some more snow is predicted for tonight. But spring will come, I saw some patches of mud in the driveway. I could smell what you were grilling. Yum!


  2. I’m envious of your grill weather since we had a freezing rain alert today. Soon enough, though, I’ll be grilling outside.

    Speaking of grilling, I’d love your sweet potato fry recipe. I can’t seem to find a good one. Would you mind emailing it to me at stacey[at]staceyshubitz[dot]com? THANKS!


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